ECROFI-2023 -European Current Research
on Fluid and Melt Inclusions

July 2 – 6, 2023 // Reykjavik, Iceland


Dear inclusionists,

After two years delay, it is our pleasure to invite you to Reykjavík, Iceland to attend the ECROFI-2023 Conference. The conference will be held from the 2nd to the 6th of July, 2023, in Askja, the building of Natural Sciences at the University of Iceland.

Since 1969, this will be the 27th ECROFI (European Current Research on Fluid and Melt Inclusions) Conference, which invites contributions from all fields related to fluid and melt inclusions.

Reykjavík is situated on the Reykjanes Peninsula where the Mid-Atlantic Ridge rises up from the sea and the North American and Eurasian Plates split apart at a rate of about 2cm per year. Instead of divergence, we would like to bring scientists together from all over the world to discuss the newest results and findings in fluid and melt inclusion research.

The visit to Iceland will also give you the opportunity to explore the wonders of Iceland. We can offer you a cool climate in the middle of summer and a hot environment with active volcanism and geothermal fields on our doorsteps. The country offers amazing nature, glittering glacier lagoons, forceful waterfalls and bubbling hot springs. Put a visit to Iceland on your travel plans!

Participants in ECROFI 2023

Welcome to Iceland

People visiting Iceland, whether as tourists or on business, usually agree that visiting the adventure island is an amazing experience; even if there isn't a volcanic eruption going on! There are many things to see and experience, both within the capital area and in the countryside.

Congress secretariat

Athygli ráðstefnur lógó

Athygli Conferences
Armula 11
108 Reykjavík

Phone: +(354) 568 2800
